All you need to know about this fucked up lie of an economy is in this link. You could either spend the hour in the video, or press BACK, Click CANCEL, and read the word. I think I should go and Leave America.
Goddamn and people in office are doing the worst possible thing that can get the country in more debt than it already is. And that is Real Estate. Just building more houses, piling up more debt, and houses are MUCH more expensive than they are supposed to be when already, there are about maybe half a million for sale, vacant homes across the US.
I am fucking done talking... Now that I heard the truth, I wanna die.
I will still work on my non-likely future existant animations untill this happens. When I announce It does, I might not be on for a long time, maybe not at all. These are the people I wish to thank:
Porter Stansberry
Sean Hodges (Cheshyre)
DJ-LINK (Meonly70)
And Rockyusa
This is indefinate, so I might still be here if something happens, but There is still a wide chance that this could happen. If it does, then I can blame it on Barack Obama, because he would be in part when this happened.
I might as well give you guys a picture.
I am admittant to say this.
I listened to the whole thing and I am most likely speechless.
I knew about the financial crisis and it's also grown in my country, but I didn't expect it to be this bad in america.
I am very sorry about the fact that this is happening.
I even added it to my favorites just in case, so I can visit the page at anytime.
Well, I'm not sure what else I should say...
Although, I am thinking about this and what I've said here isn't the only thing I think about.
There are MUCH more thoughts in my head about this.
And again I'm very sorry this is happening rigth now.
I wish you good luck in the future and I hope you get out of it somehow, even though it seems hopeless.
Also try and do the the things you can about it by using his advice in the video.
Again. I wish you luck. :,(
Yep, it sucks. And Even more or so...