I thought I would share a screenshot. Anyway, what do you guys think of the HK21? Bipod isnt there because this model doesn't have one yet : P
Much better than the Enfield you saw in the snippet huh?
NOTE: FUCK! I forgot to put in the trigger!
NOTE 2: I don't think krinkels cares as much of Zarfot's shit as much as he wants Duke Nukem and getting MC10 done.
Nice to see you enjoyed Madness Retaliation.
I told you it's great. Although I REALLY dislike the fact the Deimos has such low abilities, cause he's my 2nd favourite Madness character.
Well, not bad, although the gun could be alittle better... I think...
FallowerOfHank (Updated )
Yep, but it'll have to do. I wonder why the cocking mechanism is much further up the barrel?\
-Glad you enjoyed the HK21.