Well, I am back from West Virginia, but now I will have to go to school... : (
On the plus side, I knocked a few frames out, and with that, I have an AAHW advertisement. Mind the white space at the top of the text part.
NOTE: Any users that post spam that tells me to copy and paste will result in banhammer. If you quit the spam, I will lift the ban, and allow you to chat...
UPDATE 1: Justin Bieber's birthday is March 1st. As a present, we're gonna go to all his music videos and press the living SHIT out of the dislike button to the point where the dislike button becomes larger than his nonexistant dick.
UPDATE 2: Let me know if you wanna see the AAHW ad again... because in the meantime, I made an annoying orange picture I wish to share...
As an upside, how about more MysteryGuitarMan... With The annoying Orange?
/* */
Someone wanted me to put this up so...
<a href="http://tessatheslut.com/?id=x7rvzf1t1abh6b1ryg7l5y5k6eiq6t">http://tessatheslut.com/?id=x7rvzf1t1 abh6b1ryg7l5y5k6eiq6t</a>