Goddamn that movie was so FUCKING Scary, that I actually set my record for least amount of Time spent asleep. I went to bed around 10 PM, I think I got up sometime around 1 AM, and spent the last 4 hours before I actually turned this fucker on. Reguardless if my cat was in my bed every night. If you haven't seen it yet, and you wanna see it, consider this a warning before you watch. Its the loud fucking bangs that are gonna get you.
On the lighter side of the news, I am still going on Madness. I might have a picture sooner or later, depends if I get the hell out of the second room, considering how SLOW I actually am.
UPDATE 1; Be sure to check my art every once in awhile... don't be afraid to review.
UPDATE 2; you guys are gonna be so pissed off, lol...
hmm... I watched Paranormal Activity 1 and didn't find it much interesting, that's why I didn't watch the other one.
no. 2 is sort of a prequil to Paranormal Activity 1. You should watch it... If you can withstand the scares they have in it...