For those of you who don't know, I managed to get into a collab. I didn't beg, and that someone invited me. I am not gonna say, but you'll know its me when you stumble upon it on the 5th annual Madness day. In the meantime, I am still waiting for my dad to get the software so I can get Microsoft Office. And then You guys can send me messages on helping me out with getting the sound effects into a readable format. As for the SPAS-12, I will modify it to conform to your taste. I might also make a Browning M1919, but there's no way to tell for sure. I also have a soundtrack from Deadrising that I need cut up in segments. And that is the mall music. When I downloaded it, the songs were crammed into 8 and a half minutes. It was the only way I could actually get mall music, and if you want to, I'll put the song on a .fla file which will go on the dumping grounds. If that helps. I'll get some picture of somethin' soon.
In the meantime, check this website out.
One moar thing. Please join me in trashing youtube. And what to do? Would you rather watch overall retarded people that can't hold a camera and speed up their voice an sp l lak ts (spell like this)? Or would you rather watch origional, semi origional, well done flash with almost spot on plot, and great voice acting? So take a minute to decide... I'll go get a youtube picture and trash their logo. Their logo wasn't creative anyway. Choose... Watch videos that are unorigional and or muted due to copyright (aka all of them)? Or watch Origional/semiorigional anime that has a point to it? If the youtube CEO is looking at this, I will be the start of a possible unsuccessful Youtube Protest group.
Alot of the crappy ass videos do become viral too, like Charlie bit my finger, or many of those other videos that have no point other than dumbasses that wanna fail at fame. Fred sucks ass too. I wanna see his movie just to see how fucked up it really is, and if its well done, well, then I hope all the rapists and sex offenders hunt him down.
I'll make a BBS post about this. And we need people to spam anti youtube videos on this piece of shit.
Youtube is gay, but Facebook is ok.
Yes. Youtube is like a dictatorship. You have very little freedom. Newgrounds is like a Democracy. You have a larger fraction of power.