So many projects. Its makin mah head spin. Got a zombie flash, teh short madness short 3, and Madness Mythical. Eye Yei Yei. I better get on the collab segment.
UNRELATED: Go buy Sim City 4 Deluxe, register online to, and download a shitload of mods for it. Here's an example of how many mods I use. I think I use over 45 mods... WARNING: IF YOU SUFFER A VIRUS FROM THIS, I WILL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE.
UPDATE: I have designed mah first gun. Its a SPAS-12, but instead, its gonna be DRAGON'S BREATH
Inspired by Black Ops, This shotgun shoots short range flaming shells able to set you on fire to ensure you are dead. Anyway, here it is. This is only mah first, so don't judge too hard on it. In the meantime, I gotta get cracking on this.
Very unrelated: Sanford
Oh, him and Deimos will appear in madness Mythical. As well as the MAG gang.