You know, Macromedia is SO much better than Adobe. Why didn't I do this before?! And, I tried Castle Crashers, and I think I'll go get the full blown version for Xbox Arcade. Keep an eye out for krinkels' game he says he's making. I hope it really is gonna be for the Xbox Arcade.
Anyway, I don't really need help with the sprites I need, unless you can make me a Machinegewehr 42. Otherwise, Nuke505 is working on the Telephone poles, High Tension lines, and Dragon. Anyway, I'll try to include some of my sketches up on the portal. Oh, and Krinkels won't be afraid to take potshots at any trespassers. I wouldn't wanna mess with him.
Oh, and is this a Fail? You decide.
A slight fail...although no where near epic
I didn't ask if it was epic or not. Only if it was a fail or not.