So exactly what is the point of trolling?
1: You're just some faggot who isnt doing anything with your life except sitting on ass eating cheeseburgers with greasy fingers at the keyboard copying crap word for word that you were called during school, either because you were a fatass, nerd, or just didnt fit.
2: You write down a piece of hatred word for word and recieve every piece of hatred as humor.
3: Trolling is simply punching everyone in the face or raping everyone you see.
4: Why advertise through trolling?! Getting ad revenue from something precious like flash can be better and more permanent than receiving it from haters.
5: When trolls collide? It simply lightens everyone by watching them hate the hell out of eachother. I laughed when Zarfot the faggot hate Jefford-wilks the Fatass.
*sigh* The internet was not invented for people to (pretend) hate on something someone might've spent months maybe years on. If you want to do real damage, just go to that person's house, and punch him/her in the face or rape the person.
DISCLAIMER: Do not attempt to punch me in the face or rape me, for as I have plenty of weapons to deal with you... Yeah, I am talking to YOU!